A celery juice challenge! Wow, never in a million years would I ever even dream of drinking pure celery juice non stop for 30 days. I did this because I wanted to detox my liver. A lot of health issues are related to the liver. So if the liver is not in good shape, our health will be affected too. I first learned about celery juice from
Tara Tom's Instagram post about a year ago. I was really impressed with how she managed to heal herself from eczema. Her eczema was worse than mine. But she successfully healed herself with celery juice and by following the protocols from the Medical Medium.
A few years back when I first got myself a cold press juicer/slow juicer, I did try juicing celery but at that time I've never heard of mono juicing or about the wonderful benefits of juicing celery solo. So back then, I would juice celery with green apples and other fruits to make it taste good. I was a juicing beginner at the time, so it was important for me to make juices that taste good. Otherwise, I may not be able to do juicing everyday. Plus my Mom wanted every juice that I made to taste good otherwise she won't drink any at all. She couldn't except it if the juice was not sweet.
I remember how time consuming and also tiring it was to juice the celery with fruits. All the cleaning and washing the fruits and vegetables for two people was so exhausting. Not to mention cleaning the juicer after that! And that was one of the reasons why I quit juicing after a few months back then. The
other reason was because it was expensive to juice fruits. By right it shouldn’t be a problem to juice because, I was supposed
to be juicing more of the vegetables instead of the fruits. The purpose of adding the fruits was just to
make the vegetable juice taste better. Unfortunately for me, since my Mom
wanted to drink it too, she insists on juicing more of the fruits instead of the vegetables.
So to cut the story short, I ended up making a lot of fruit juices instead of healthy vegetable juices that can help us heal from our ailments. Finally I got fed up and stopped. Because we were not getting healthier by juicing that way. So I just had to put an end to it. It's not easy to convince my Mom to eat healthy back then. It still is not till now. It's always a challenge
Having said that, I'm so glad now my Mom is willing to make small steps in eating healthy. We are getting there. I was surprised when she was willing to drink the pure celery juice. I didn't see that coming. Thinking back on how she reacted years ago to the taste of celery, I never thought that she would be able to drink a whole mug of it. Especially in the morning because, in this challenge, we have to drink 500ml of celery juice early in the morning on empty stomach. The both of us are the type who always have hot cup of coffee early in the morning. Now all that has changed! It's all in the past now. It's amazing! I couldn't believe that we both could do it, but we did it!
I started this 30 days celery juice challenge first. My Mom started it after I was doing it for 10 days. I guess she was convinced about celery juice after she saw the amazing results I have been getting by drinking the celery juice. I also let her try it first, have a sample of it to see if she could tolerate the taste. After she said she could, she started taking it with me the next day. I'm so happy I have a celery juice partner now, hahaha! It's much more fun doing it with someone, rather than being on this health journey alone. Furthermore, I want her to get the same benefits that I've been getting too.
I've finished the challenge on the 10th of January 2019 and I wanted to share with everyone what are the benefits I got after taking celery juice for 30 days. :
1. No more migraines or splitting headache.
That was the most obvious. This is because before I started taking celery juice, I have been getting a lot of headaches the past few months and the headaches got really bad in December 2018, so much so that I was taking Panadol almost every other day to stop the pain. Now that was unacceptable! I've never had to do such a thing all my life and when suddenly I was doing it often, I knew something was wrong somewhere. The headaches disappeared after 1 or 2 days of drinking celery juice! Amazing!
2. No more bloated tummy.
OK! I have to say that I have had this problem for as long as I can remember. I thought that if I stopped taking wheat based food, the bloating would go away but it didn't! It usually works but this time it didn't. Imagine, I stopped taking it for more than 2 months and I was still bloated! I knew there and then that my liver was in a bad shape because it was never that bad before. Usually if I went gluten free, the problem would solve by itself. But when it didn't, I was really worried. So exactly after 2 weeks of drinking celery juice, I saw some changes on my tummy. My waist has reduced a lot in size. I didn't look like I was 4 months pregnant anymore. I have to say I was really impressed! Although it's not totally flat yet, at least I'm getting there! LOL!
3. No more insomnia.
No more insomnia!!! Yay!!! This is just amazing. I've had problems sleeping for a year I think. Been a long time! And to be able to sleep without tossing and turning in my bed, is God sent. I'm so thankful to Anthony Williams of Medical Medium for this. Who knew that celery juice could help me solve the problem.
3. No more digestive issues.
Did you know that celery juice restores hydrochloric acid levels in the stomach for better long-term digestion. So ever since I've been taking celery juice, I have no digestive issues anymore. No problem passing stools at all. No constipation. But that doesn't mean that I don't take a lot of fiber in my diet. I do every day. I love eating fresh fruits and raw vegetables! ;)
4. No more sweet cravings.
Seriously I am loving this one the most! I honestly do not have the never ending urge to eat ice cream or chocolates anymore. Nor do I eat any sweet pastries like before. I can also ignore sweet sugar laden drinks. Amazing isn't it??
5. More energy
I do notice the energy levels going up when I drink celery juice on empty stomach each morning. BUT, if I take it in the evening or before lunch time, the result is not the same. So I guess there is a reason for Anthony Williams to encourage us to take it in the morning. Taking it in the morning is definitely the best time for better results.
6. More alert/ Think clearer
This is so true. I am more alert now, although I still have some memory problem. Some say it has to do with a person's blood type :/.
7. No more huge acnes on my scalp
I remember how horrible I felt each day because of those huge acnes on my scalp. They were big and painful. I would pick on them every day because it was bothering me so much. Combing the hair with huge acnes on my head was hell. All that is in the past now after I started taking celery juice every day. All gone! Amazing!
Before I started taking celery juice, I had already stopped taking wheat based food since October 2018. I did that because my eczema was extremely bad. I couldn't tolerate it anymore. Both my feet were swollen and the eczema had spread to the bottom of my feet. I had problems walking. Walking in pain most of the time. Although I knew that wheat was bad for me, I still sometimes cheat and that would get me into trouble. I was also still taking chicken at the time I did this 30 days celery juice challenge but in March I completely stopped. I realised that I also have to follow the Eat Right for your Blood Type diet in order to completely heal myself from all my illnesses. I noticed that if I do follow the protocol, my eczema heals faster. So whether I liked it or not, I have to follow.
Since early March, I am not taking any wheat based foods for good, no more cheating. I also don't cook with oil anymore. Fruits and raw vegetables are mainly what I eat each day. 80 % raw, 20 % cooked meals. I'm like 90% vegetarian now. Not 100% because sometimes I would take fish.
So it's been about 3 months now taking celery juice. There were times in January when I had to stop taking the juice for about a week. At first I thought it was because of the celery that I had flare ups of the eczema. It was getting worse and worse. So I stopped taking the juice for a week. But now I realised it was not the celery's fault. It was because I cheated with my diet and didn't follow the blood type protocol. Then came the issue of getting fresh celery everyday. I really had a hard time getting fresh celery everyday from the supermarket. They were from China and not that fresh. But now all that problem has been solved since I found a place where they sell fresh celery from Australia. They are a little bit expensive but worth every cent.
There are a lot of people who tried taking celery juice and stopped taking it after 30 days. Mostly because of eczema flare ups. It's a pity that it happened to them. It happened to me too but luckily for me I knew how to stop it. I knew that just taking the juice but not changing my diet will not help me heal. It's more than that. I have to do more. Another thing that one has to remember is that, healing naturally takes time. It's very slow. But the results are amazing and for that, I'm willing to do it.
At the moment I'm only taking 500ml of celery juice every day. Sometimes I take just a little more than that if there's extra celery available. If you want to know more about how to detox your liver with celery juice, you can go directly to the
Medical Medium website to find out more.