It's July already?? Yes Lin....yes it's already July.....I just keep telling myself that over and over again because it's simply not getting into my head yet....not yet registered. Gosh time flies so darn fast before I know it, bye bye 2011. Yes, that's how it is these days. Don't even have the time to day dream anymore. That's how precious time is now.
Ever since I got back from my vacation, I never got the chance to rest. Duuuhhhhhhhhh.....wake up Lin, your vacation is over, it's now back to work. :P Yes, how lovely that week long vacation was. I wonder when I'll get that long rest again. Perhaps during the Eid I suppose. Yes, that's when I'll get some rest. :I
I really had fun during the vacation. Especially because I get to meet my friends there :). Had nice long chats....eating good food......and of course not forgetting the shopping! Shopped for so many things but my favourite of all was shopping for craft supplies hehe. Nothing can beat that! Visiting those craft shops really inspired me. Motivated me as well. Going through craft magazines and craft books have the same effect too. I just get so excited going through them page by page and see the projects they have in it. So much fun! :) I think my most memorable moment during the vacation was when I met little Emir. He is so adorable! Getting more and more adorable! Miss this little fella!

It's my second day of fasting today. Started to fast yesterday. It's not that bad. I seem to be handling it very well I must say. :) Hope to be able to fast till Ramadhan......or until nearing Ramadhan. At least, my body will get adjusted before the fasting month. Work is affected a bit when I'm fasting....coz I get tired easily etc....but I'm not that worried about I know soon enough when the body is well adjusted to the fasting, it will be a breeze to fast insyaallah.
All I am thinking about now is when I can play. Play with my new toys and also read those books I bought and do all those projects. Must be patient and get all my work done first, then PLAY!! hehe! I want to experiment more, learn new adventurous. Be spontaneous. Be flexible. Be....just be! ;)