I've never seen such a huge eraser before....the one from Mastercarve...wow! Huge! Hmmm I can't decide what to do with that one yet! But there are a lot more of smaller sizes that I can experiment on.... :) I also received a lot of clear stamps and ink pad. Love them!!!
I was feeling really down today......very very down, due to a certain something that happened in my life recently.....was feeling so bad but was glad that these gifts put a big smile on my face today. I am so grateful to have friends who are so thoughtful and loving......never even met them in person, but it feels like I've known them for a long long time. I'm so blessed to have friends like them. I can't thank God enough for them and for all the good things that keep coming my way...... :) Alhamdulillah!
wow so jealous! hihi..
happy birthday lin! semoga sihat dan sejahtera selalu, murah rezki dan bahagia disamping orang tersayang.
Hehehe! Thank you so much Mango for the birthday wish! Muaaaahhhhhs! ;)
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