Believe it or not, my aunt took the trouble to find her old eraser just so that I can practice my skills in rubber stamp carving! hahaha! So here it is, the old eraser (a Faber Castell brand).....at the mercy of my lino cutter hahaha....LOL!

I was thinking hard about what design I would do on this little eraser.....which is by the way only about the size of my thumb! As I was looking for ideas.....I thought of making a house and a small tree beside it....so that I can use it to make a card for a new home. I have never made a card like that before and was thinking of doing so for quite some time now......so I went ahead with the idea. :) I used a ball point pen to draw the little house and tree....

Here it is after I have dug out the outer part of the drawing....kinda tricky there....especially the area between the house and the tree. I was afraid that I might cut too much and eventually loose part of the roof! hahaha!

Ok....that is the bamboo stick.....I sharpened the ends and use it to drill tiny holes in the tree.....I want it to look like as if the tree has some fruits on it hahaha.....so funny!!! I even drilled a hole on the front door of the house....can you see it??? LOL! ;)
Not sure if you notice this......but you can see from the original drawing to the end result that the house and the tree seem a little smaller......that's because I have accidentally made tones of mistakes and had to amend them....so as a result, they became smaller.....oh well! Lesson learned! :D

So here it is.....tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! My second rubber stamp! :)
Way to go!! You have such a big advantage, with your creative ideas and drawing skills - they will be a huge help to you!
PS - if you stamp in black, it's easy to go over the stamped image with a black pen or marker and fill in the spots that didn't stamp well...unless you like a more rustic look, like I do! :)
easy isn't it? :)
Sandi...thank you! I love the rustic look too! hehe but thank you for the tip!
Mango...it's not as easy as I thought it would be. Susah juga ek?? Especially kalau design kecik kenit camni...My carving tak kemas laa...nampak so messy....bila I try nak kemaskan I end up terpotong sana terpotong sini hahahaha...hampir2 rosak design tu..I definitely need to practice more. Need more time to play huhuhu....
like this so much......link me as a followers tau....
Oh, sweetie!
Look! See how beautiful this is? And how you made the tool to make the fruit? You share so freely! You make such beautiful art! I hope NO ONE EVER messes with you again!!!
I really, really like this alot!
CC! Thank you dear! I adore this stamp too! It's so little and cute...I had fun drilling the holes with that bamboo stick hahaha...kinda addictive! ;) I hope no one messes with me again too sweetie...kinda tired of it actually!
Hugs and kisses to you!!
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