Did my blood test during my trip back to Alor Setar last week. Had to fast or abstain myself from eating anything from 10pm that night till the next morning. My aunt was there to accompany me too. I was really scared of needles!! Luckily she was there to distract me from looking at the needle that was injected in my arm....I did looked at it for a few seconds and felt nauseous....I can't stand looking at my own blood....urrgghh! It was quite painful too.....the guy who took my blood was either not good at performing the procedure or I was being such a big baby hahaha.....whatever it is, I still think he could have done better.....I have done this before years ago and the doctor who did it to me didn't cause me any pain whatsoever....I guess there's some skills involved in it to make sure the patient is not in any pain.
I also did the urine test together with the blood test. The urine sample was taken at home....didn't want to do it at the pathlab, as it would be so uncomfortable. So they let me have their special container the day before the test so that I can do it at home. Took the sample to the pathlab the next morning to be tested. Hoping that all will be good.
After waiting for 4 days for the blood and urine test to be processed, the day finally came to pick up the results. I was beyond nervous. Then when I saw the results, I panicked! Some of the results made me happy but some made me so worried, disbelief etc etc.....a lot was going on my mind at the time. The chemist who was on duty was a bit late to work and I had to wait for a while before he could explain to me about the results of the tests. When it was time for the explanations, I felt more worried....this is because he said that I have problems with my liver. I suspected that there was something wrong with it before because of the pain I've been experiencing, but I guess I thought it was just a temporary thing. The pain comes and goes. Not sure if there is any gall bladder stones.....I think I have to do the scan at the hospital to find out for sure. But I am happy to know that my kidneys are fine now.....it wasn't before...but after taking medication for it, 15 - 20 stones came out.......and after they all came out, I don't experience the pain anymore. That is such a great relieve.
I also have a slightly high bad cholesterol level....hmmm.....because of eating too many eggs perhaps and fried foods!! hehehe.....but I have gone on a diet that abstained me from taking any eggs or meat and fried for the past one month now.....so that helps a little. He said I don't have to take any pills for the cholesterol as it is not that high.....all I need to do is EXERCISE MORE!! Hmm....sure, I can do that!! ;)
As for my thyroid problem......it's pretty worrying. I have had it for more than 10 years now....and the goiter is getting pretty big. A bit too big for surgery. So I have an alternative to resolve that problem now....thank heavens for that....but will have to wait a little while longer for that problem to solve. So in the mean time, I'm just going to concentrate with the liver and cholesterol problem first! Solve one problem at a time.
My late Dad and his family has a history of diabetes.....so I was worried about my blood sugar count...thank God it's not high. So I'm relieved to hear about it.....I don't want to be a diabetic patient....I know how hard it is to have that problem as I've seen what my late Dad had to go through fighting it. I have been taking care of my sugar intake....so I'm glad I'm on the right track. And I'm glad my urine test is clear of problems! No problems whatsoever....thank God for that!
All these years I never knew what is my blood type.....NOW I KNOW! It's
B positive.....all this time I thought I was type O just like the rest of my family......I asked the chemist, how is it that I am blood type B....so he said probably my late Dad was a B..... B + O = B or O.....When I reached KL again, I did some research on a diet for blood type B....and was shocked to find out about the things that I can't eat.....those things are actually food and drinks that was harmful to me. I never knew it was harmful to me since all these time I thought I was blood type O. I realized how important it is for us to know what our blood type is so that we are not poisoning ourselves with the kind of food that are not suitable for our blood types. Now I know why I've been sick.....it's because I have not been eating the right food. The types of food and drinks that I am not allowed to eat are mostly what I've been stuffing myself with all these years. If only I knew this earlier, I might have prevented myself from getting sick. But I'm glad at least I know it now before it was too late. Hopefully all my allergies will be gone for good now that I know what I shouldn't be eating. I've had problems with allergies for as long as I can remember. I really want to feel better.....and I'm glad that I have the right information now.....I can help myself to feel better and look better.....of course it will take time, discipline and perseverance.....I want to make it happen and make it all better for myself....for I deserve the best!! :)