
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Salam Aidil Adha

Alhamdulillah....this morning I opted to follow my aunt and go for our Aidil Adha prayers at the surau nearby our house. It's just a few blocks away from where we live......there was no need for us to drive.....we just walked there this stress whatsoever thinking about where to park our car, like how it is whenever we go to the mosque during the Eid. I got tired of all the, this time around, the surau seems like a pretty good idea :).
Life in crazy land is still the same though's just like any other day. Not sure how long I can stand it. But at least it gives me a stronger motivation to push myself harder to get what I want. Sometimes when it's too easy.....I tend to forget what I was aiming for. Now that I am in a tight position, I am always reminded of it. So I guess there is good in the bad. Depends on how one sees it. Just focus......focus on the subject at hand and insyaallah I'll get what I aimed for. :)

I would like to wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha to all my readers here. I hope all of you who are celebrating it are having a great time today with family and friends. I already had my beef rendang and with ketupat nasi and ketupat palas hehehe.....have you had yours yet? ;) Happy eating!!

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