
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Puasa hari kedua....

Second day of fasting today.....4 more days to go before my puasa 6 is done. I skipped one day yesterday because I wasn't feeling too well. Currently I don't have any cravings.....weird coz I usually do. I was craving for Wahab's Cendol the other thinking of getting some when I go for my other getaway. :)

I'm currently working in slow motion. Due to the fasting I suppose. I'm just not in the mood to do anything much. Doing just online work today. Bloghopping and promoting as usual. Perhaps tonight I'll try to quill a bit. I'm pretty much enjoying my holiday right now....a pretty long holiday hehehe.

I had a really nice mug of coconut water for berbuka.....Pak Ya came over today to cut the grass and he also helped plucked some kelapa pandan from our coconut tree. Yummylicious! It's been a while since I last had any. So refreshing! I also had "cucur udang-less"'s cucur udang...without the udang! LOL! Since I can't take any prawns, so, that's the reason prawns for the rest of my life. Bummer. I think I've even forgotten how crab taste like. It's been a long long time since I had any. Suddenly I miss those crab balls I used to eat when I was small. I remember those crab balls from one particular place here in Alor Setar where my Dad used to buy for us. They mixed crab meat with shredded carrots.....yummy!!!Hmmmm.....those were the days.....when food tasted so damn good! And so damn cheap too! :) Oh God how I miss it so much!!


  1. hr ni hr kedua jugak! :D tp as buat puasa ganti dulu. hee~

    oh, br jek balik dr pasar beli bebola oren. tp adk as yg mkn. ntah udang ntah ketam ;)

  2. eh! samalah kita ye? hehe...cuma As buat puasa ganti and KLin buat puasa 6. :) Apasal la As tak makan bebola oren tu? Terliur pulak KLin hehhehe....tapi lagi terliur kat crab balls zaman kanak2 dulu...memang sedap giler. :)

  3. Mango raya kedua dah start hari pertama puasa 6, tapi badan rasa tak berapa sedaplah...sampai hari ni tak sambung lagi.

  4. Mango...Lin buat selang seli...hari ni posa, esok tak posa...and the next day posa lagi hehehe....

  5. alamak! aku tak start agi posa nam huhu...
