
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Card making marathon

Just a quick post for tonight. Feels like something missing if I don't post anything here for one day. :D My fingers are so itchy to type something here.....even if there isn't much to share I still want to write. For starters, for the past few days now, I'm in the card making marathon mode. Making Raya cards, birthday cards and love theme cards. I'm enjoying myself but at the same time I'm hard up for time. Time is moving really really fast and there is no time to waste. Deadline approaching really soon and I'm a little scared if I can't make it on time before the delivery date. Yikes!  Every minute I spent every day is spent for things related to work and it's been great! Loving it! Of course I do spent some time on other things especially now that Raya is approaching real I've also been doing things related to the Raya celebration. Got lots to prepare at home before Raya comes.

I find that the more I am into this field of work, the more comfortable I am with it. I feel like I have found what I really enjoy doing as a career. It was just a hobby at first to help generate  some income and's becoming more clear to me now what I can do for myself. 

My studio currently looks like it's been hit by a tornado! LOL! That's usually the case whenever I'm on a card making marathon hahahaha. Papers scattered everywhere. I even find that my table looks smaller and smaller coz there are lots of things piled up on it. So much so that there is just a small space for me to do my work at the table. I need a bigger studio! LOL! I wish!! Actually I don't need one....I just need to be more organize that's all hehehehe. Whatever the one is allowed to step in my studio......private area.....just for me and me alone hehehehehe. My territory :D. My island :)


  1. salam k. lin

    lps baca post ni, saya ter'wonder-wonder' macamanalah k.lin punya studio sekarang ^_^

    saya pun sama mcm akak. dahlah studio sekali dgn bilik tido. kdg2 tu rasa malas sampai tido je kat lantai. katil penuh barang2. sekali guntig jarum benang kain semua bermaharajalela duk atas katil.

    k.lin, one day bila akak ada kelapangan, nak chat dgn akak kejap. ada sumthing nak tanya pasal bisness2 ni jugak.

    Jaja OST (only sweet things)

  2. Wasalam Jaja...

    Dulu masa akak stay kat akak memang dalam bilik tido akak....bilik pun kecik sempit.....sebijik macam apa yang Jaja ada sekarang la kut hehehe....memang lebih dasyat semaknya hahaha. Tido atas lantai tu memang akak dah biasa dah, sekali dgn kertas2 dan segala macam barang utk wat kad tu hehehe. :D Sekarang kat rumah mak akak ni, akak dapat lah bilik khas utk buat kerja. Tido pulak kat bilik lain. So at least sekarang dapat bilik yg besar skit utk wat kerja. Tapi kasilah bilik besar mana pun, still akan semak jugak sebab akak ada terlalu banyak barang hahahaha! :D

    Hope to meet you one day...or perhaps chat with you online. You can add me at YM or we can meet up if ever I go to KL. :)

  3. ui kak lin! kasi tangkap gamba sikit studionye tu. hehehe.. isk, as lak lately asek mimpi dah ad craft studio sndr jek.. smpai rs takmo bgn tdo :( huhuk

    slmt bermarathon kak lin! ^__^ plus, jgn abaikan kesihatan ;) {hugs}

  4. "Tapi kasilah bilik besar mana pun, still akan semak jugak sebab akak ada terlalu banyak barang hahahaha! :D"

    Betul-betul. Lagi besar lagi semak samunlah jawabnya.Sy duk pasang angan2 gak nk dpt satu bilik buat studio tp stakat ni berangan jelah yg mampu :P

    Ok, nnti sy add kak lin dkt ym. tak pun kalau sy balik kg ke, boleh jumpa mana2. pekan rabu?? hehe.. kak lin pi sopping raya pekan rabu ye...

  5. As....akak malulah nak tunjuk studio akak yang semak lagi samun nih kat blog nih ehehehe!! Rasa segan sangat2! LOL! Tak cantik dan tak menariks langsung! hahahaha....kalau orang tengok, sure fening punya hahaha...takpe As...teruskan mimpi pasal studio tu, mana tahu, mimpi leh jadi kenyataan satu hari nanti! :) Thank you for your support and wish...doa2kan akak ye! :)

    Jaja....bagus berangan tu...leh jadi kenyataan satu hari nanti, insyaallah! :) Ha'ah...akak gi shopping kat Pekan Rabu pagi tadi :) Memang meriah la kat situ sekarang. Dah lama tak pegi shopping situ hehe. Kampung Jaja kat Alor Setar ke??? Leh la jumpa insyaallah hehehe...
