
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mangkuk tingkat delivery Part 6

OMG!!!! Today's menu is nasi tomato!! looks so delicious......waaaahhhh.....we got something special for Mother's Day today hehehehe! But!!!!!!! I can't eat, looks like it's all yours again Mom! LOL! Well.....actually I can eat the acar timun and the dalca.....but not the chicken hmmmm eat or not to eat.....that is the question....hahahaha sounds like...Shakespear la hahahaha.......Decisions! Decisions! So tempting!!! Errrmmmm......I can hear myself saying.....Lin...just go for it!!! hahahaha! Eat now and worry about the consequences later?? LOL! My Mom kept's not the usual type of chicken, it's organic chicken, so that means you can it eat. know what??? When you are so tempted to eat it, you will come up with all sorts of excuses to make it legal for you to eat it and not feel guilty for doing so....hahahaha.

I haven't eaten it yet........coz I'm still full with this morning's capati and apom manis. Maybe I'll eat it around 3.00 pm. I don't get so hungry in between meals because I drink a lot of's the weather's doing......I get thirsty a lot these days because of the hot weather....I'm sipping my drink as I'm blogging now........I think this is my 3rd jumbo glass since breakfast...... :P

My Mom couldn't wait for me so she ate it already. I can tell that it's delicious coz she has that contented look on her face right now. So I KNOW that she's happy with the nasi tomato hehehehe......or shall I say.....nasi mother's day hahahahaha..... :)


  1. Wow mmg nampak sedap. I agree with you, Nasi Mother's Day! hahahahaha.

    Mango baru je terfikir nak masak nasi tomato bila senang2. Tapi entahla bila senangnya tu. hehe.

  2. Mango....I dah tak tahan dah nih...looks like tak sempat tunggu pukul 3ptg....sekarang juga mau makan!! hahaha!!! Jemput..jemput... :)

    Kalau you masak nasi tomato nanti...ambil gambar and share la ye at your blog :)

  3. ya Allah... tgk je pun tau sedappppp
    23-25 saye nak gi langkawi.. on d way balik nanti nak singgah makan boleyyyyy...??

  4. hahahaha....Faris...kalau you nak makan besar kat rumah K.Lin, singgah pada 31st of May tau...ada kenduri hehehe...tapi kalau you nak mai sebelum 31st tu pun bolehhhhh....tapi kena habaq awal laaa....boleh kami prepare makanan utk you hehehe.. :)

  5. salam perkenalan....
    perghhhh...mmg terliur tgk time2 nak rehat ni....sedappppppp!!!!

  6. Salam perkenalan kitatauke....hehehe...singgah selalu la kalau minat tengok makanan mangkuk tingkat hehehe

  7. azlina:huhuhu.i'allah..kl tak bz..akan sggh selalu...:)
