
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mangkuk tingkat delivery Part 11

Oh gosh....I'm feeling sooooooo sleepyyyyyyyy right now. The weather outside is so hot too.....and it's making me feeling more and more sleepy. I'm suppose to do the laundry today and will do so in a minute....hehehhee.....

The mangkuk tingkat menu today was kinda lousy. :P My Mom didn't like it. It looked so cincai one. Not sure why this since the tauke asked us to give feedback whenever we that's what we did today. My Mom complained that there is nothing to eat with the air asam. Kalau ada ikan bakar kan best......leh cicah dengan air asam tu katanya. But, all they gave us was the air asam.....nak cicah dengan apa pun tak tahu lah weird. The sayur petola......uh oh's old....and tough.....the person who bought it must be someone who does not know how to choose a fresh one. I didn't eat Mom finished it all. Tak best laaa huhuhuhu........

But you know what is the best part about lunch today? We had durians for dessert....LOL! That's the last one we will ever have until God knows was from Uncle Perumal's orchard that we went to yesterday.....hehehhe.....yummy yummy :)


  1. haah...air asam tu nak makan dgn apa?

    mango rasa, mango dah bertahun-tahun tak makan petola.

  2. Kita tauke....memang banyak berjasa mangkuk tingkat nih....ada pros and cons nya....tapi kita ambik yg baik2 saja ya hehehe

    Mango....tu la kan...pelik tul kasi air asam, tapi takde ikan nak dicicah tak minat petola ke? It's one of my faves hehehhe

  3. bukan tak minat, tapi masa mango sekolah dulu, my mom tanam banyak petola. jd boleh dikatakan hari-hari makan petola. segar dari ladang. hehe.

    sejak masuk U, mango selalu ambil sayur lain dah tak ambik petola dah.

    tp sekarang lin buat mango teringat akan petola. :)

  4. Owh begitu rupanya.....patutlah dah lama tak makan petola...hehehe...bestnyer dapat makan petola yang fresh dari ladang... :) Lin tak pernah lagi cuba menanam petola kat rumah my Mom nih....harus cuba nanti...but first kena cari the seeds :)

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