
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Kuih bahulu ikan

Kuih bahulu is a sweet cake .......yummy yummy sweet cake that I love to eat. Although it is bad for me because there are a lot of eggs in kuih bahulu....but I still "curi curi makan" kuih bahulu ni if ever I get the opportunity to do so. In this Mom bought it and it's in the shape of a fish. Cute ya? Usually it doesn't look like this. Nowadays, it comes in so many kinds of shapes and sizes. They even got one in the shape of a prawn! LOL!

Anyways......I wanted to tell you a joke about this kuih bahulu. This morning, my Mom said to me.....Lina, I'm already full.....I ate 5 fish. I was like......what?????!!!! You ate 5 fish???!!! That's a lot Mom!'s not even lunch time why did  you have fish for breakfast???? It was weird......I didn't understand what my Mom was saying.....didn't realise she was pulling my leg! LOL! Then she laughed and laughed and I still didn't get it........then she gave up laughing and told me the truth........THEN I started laughing....hahahahha......I thought to wonder la!!! No wonder you can eat 5 fish at one sitting.......coz it was just 5 kuih bahulu ikan! Cisssssss!!!!! She's always joking with me about this kuih bahulu....kept telling me.....don't can eat this.....coz it's it won't cause you any allergies......and I was like.....YEAH RIGHT MOM!!!! Ye la tuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!! LOL!


  1. baulu ikan translate kot omputih...bagus ni...kasi org lua kenal...:)

  2. hermm kalau kuih bahulu mesti bentuk ikan kan.. heehh apa kata buat bentuk lain plak..

  3. Kita tauke....betul tu...ramai kawan2 omputih saya ni sangat berminat makanan2 dari kita kenalah perkenalkan kat diaorang hehehe

    Nadja...setahu Lin la...ada juga orang buat kuih bahulu dalam bentuk udang hehehe.....Nadja nak bentuk apa? Lin nak kuih bahulu bentuk anak ayam atau anak itik...comel kan?? hehehe

  4. memang sodap....makan sebijik tak cukup hehehe
