
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Crochet flowers....

I'm washing my "Mount Kinabalu" laundry again today.....feels like it was just yesterday that I did my laundry heheheh and now the laundry basket is full yet again urrrghhh! How time fly so fast! So while waiting for the laundry to be washed by the faithful old washing I am sipping my hot coffee and blogging away..... :)

I wanted to share here what I learned from my auntie recently......actually this is not something new to me....I've learned how to crochet before long long time ago and have even crochet my own sling bag the first time I tried my hand on crocheting.  But I forgot how to do the crochet flowers because lack of practice......when I tried to do this crochet flower again, I couldn't remember the steps. Thank God my aunt is an expert on this, so she taught me again how to do it. I'm excited about these cute crochet flowers! I want to use them for my other craft projects. Even for my handmade cards too! I want to add them on my crochet sling bags and etc etc. The flowers here may not look that pretty to those who are already an expert in crochet but for me this is good enough for amateurs like me :). I was pretty excited when I managed to get one done.....I can be impatient sometimes....I want to get done as fast as I can and as many of them as I can possibly do....but doing it too fast can ruin it. So gotta be patient hehehehe.....nak rushinggggggg jer I nih!! LOL!

Among my Mom's siblings......her baby sister (my aunt) is the only one who knows how to Mom never bothered to learn, but she is a good tailor though. She can sew a lot of things and taught me a lot about sewing when I was younger. My late grandmother was an expert too.....she does it as one of her source of income....crocheting chair backs for living room sofas way back in the 80s and 90s. I didn't really appreciate it that much back than as much as I do now. Remembering back on how she did all that, just amazes me. Now, between my sis and I....I'm the only one who is interested in this sis never really bothered much to learn more about it. I thank God that now my aunt is coming back to live near us, so I can learn about this craft more. Crafting to me is a way of expressing my feelings and a good type of therapy as well. And when the process is done.....the outcome from the process is a beautiful piece of art that never fails to cheer me up. The feeling is indescribable.....when you see what you can do with your doesn't matter if it is perfect or not.....the important thing is that you accomplished something in your life. It's a simple pleasure of life......whatever it may be, it can be anything that you want to do......try it and you'll see what I mean. :)


  1. Lin, I just checked my nuffnang. My latest earning adalah dalam seringgit. Bila check statistik earning, kempen2 yang kita tak nampak tu ada juga tercatat di situ.

    wow bertambah variasi lah craft u ni Lin, especially ur handmade card...tapi tak apa as long as minat tak menjadi beban. hehe. Mango pun biasa buat crochet ms kecil2 tak pernah try ikut pattern. last year ada beli buku crochet, tp malaslah pulak nak bukak...kang yang dikejar tak dapat, yg dikendong berciciran. hahahahaha.

  2. bestnya...tangan akak tidak keras -maksudnya pandaikait...saya keras lol...

  3. Mango....rasanya dah 5 kali I click at your ads hehehe....macam2 jenis iklan la...will keep doing so if there is an advert at your blog :)

    My auntie ada banyak buku crochet because she loves doing it but unfortunately I tak reti nak read the terpaksalah bergantung pada my auntie utk mengajar. My auntie tu nak peturunkan ilmunya jer...I pulak nak belajar pattern yg senang2 jer...yg susah2 tu I malas hahahaha....I pun dulu masa mula2 buat my sling bag tu, I langsung tak ikut pattern...hentam jer the end it was crooked but I didn't care, I guna juga beg was my first try so sebab tu la sayang kat beg tu. Silly kan I nih?? hehe....I ni pulak cepat bosan dgn satu2 teknik....after sometime I need some distraction from the old sebab tu la I cuba benda lain utk kasi variasi for my customers and also so that I tak cepat bosan hehehe! :)

    Fawa.....tangan K.Lin pun takdelah lembut sangat....tapi K.Lin cuba gaklah hehehe.....

  4. So far mango tak nampak ads dekat blog yg ni. Tapi yg blog utk card tu ada. mango akan klik2 lg sbb kat sana senang sikit nak nampak ads.

    haaa...bagus jg tu kait sampai jd beg. Mango dulu ntah tak ada bentuk. jellifish pun bukan. hhahaha. my mom yg pegi belajar dulu, tp mango ni mmg tak boleh kalau tak kacau brg2 dia. hahahaha.

  5. hehehe! Thanks Mango! Appreciate it!

    We are the curious type of people I guess....always interested in new things..I pun sama gak camtu...dulu masa kecik2 habis barang2 my Mom I kerjakan...kesian kat my Mom pulak bila teringat apa yg I dah buat kat barang2 dia tu....but what to do...I'm so curious maaaa hehehe....

  6. Love these little flowers! And blue...your favorite color. :)

  7. It's purple dear...not blue ehehehehehe ;)
